Hi! My name is Kajal (KAH-juhl) Sachdev. I am 21 years old and originally from Peoria, IL. Peoria is known as the "Heart of Illinois" and was probably the best city in the United States to grow up in. Growing up, my childhood was characterized by a mix of cultures, as I was raised in a traditional Indian household but was constantly exposed to American culture. After high school, I moved to the incredible city of Chicago to complete my bachelor's degree in biological sciences and psychology at the University of Illinois at Chicago. I spent two years studying jury decision-making. For my honors thesis, I studied the concept of "fear of false accusation" in the context of child abuse cases. This interest prompted me to want to learn more about the field of legal psychology, which utilizes psychological concepts to explain how people behave in the law and in the legal system.
So, I decided to move to Maastricht, Netherlands to study legal psychology at one of the most prestigious young universities in Europe. Maastricht University is one of the only schools in the world that has a dedicated legal psychology master's program, so I am currently at the forefront of research and knowledge in this area. I am so excited to share my experiences and research developments with all of you!