Nasi means rice and lemak means fat…but, don’t worry, this is not “fat rice!” Nasi lemak is a rice dish in which the rice is cooked in coconut milk and served on a banana leaf. The dish is typically topped with a hard-boiled egg, peanuts and anchovies, although you can substitute anchovies for other kinds of meat! It’s really delicious and one of my favorite meals in Malaysia!
This week, I’ve been listening to several songs by Billie Eilish! I’m really trying to keep in touch with American pop culture while I’m here!
Earlier this week, my friends and I went to a Kedah FA soccer game. Kedah FA is the state-level team of Kedah, Malaysia (where I’m located). We all got team jerseys to wear, cheered loudly for the team in the stands and drank fruit juice. For this game, they played a fellow Malaysian soccer team. By the way, in Malaysia, they call soccer “football”! The game ended in a score of 0-0, but it was so much fun to go to a sports game in a new country!
This week at school, I read a poem for my Form 4 classes (around age 16) titled, “The Living Photograph” by Jackie Kay. This poem is a part of the Malaysian curriculum for these students, meaning that it is required reading! In the poem, Jackie Kay writes about a photograph of grandmother. It’s a very beautiful and nostalgic read.