Finding a sense of home in every place is important to establishing a community. When growing up, my hometown of Cedar Rapids, Iowa was exactly that. From the annual Kolache Festival in the Bohemian neighborhoods of my hometown to school field trips at the National Czech and Slovakian Museum, I found that my community and the Czech culture were intertwined. My sense of “home” was ever-evolving and grew as I met people from all over. From a summer camp in Mount Vernon, Maine to my university friends, I found that my friendship circle became a sphere, the world.
Now, I am grateful to have found one more home: Nachod, Czech Republic. A town of about 22,000 on the border of Poland. Experiencing a culture that created my childhood experiences and memories is better than I could have imagined. I am always seeking to learn more about the world, and the communities within it, and Nachod, Cz has welcomed me with open arms. When not teaching or exploring my town, I love practicing yoga, creating ceramic pottery, and planning my next adventure.
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