South Korea and the region of the Koreas is a peninsula surrounded by rolling hills and towering mountains. However, each city is built at the base of the mountains and closer to the coast. The mountains become a sort of protection and you can see them wherever you go in Seoul! However, South Korea is also in the direction of the wind that blows from China. Unfortunately, this air from China is polluted with yellow dust that can make your throat scratchy and hurt the lungs of those who have asthma.
The environment of South Korea is special because it is both mountainous and by the sea at the same time! The mountains are big and beautiful and the coast offers ports for shipments and beach days for the locals. The hills make for long treks anywhere you go, but it's perfect for exercising.
The closeness to the sea allows people to gain easy access to fishing and shipments so that their goods can be delivered around the world. The mountains serve as protection to big and populous cities and cup them against the coast. In the mountains, promotion of wildlife protection and hiking adventures are frequent!