Bonjour! Hello! My name is Kelvin Soza. I’m 21 years old and I’m from a small farm town called Merced in California, although my parents come from Mexico and Nicaragua. Currently, I attend the University of California in Merced and will be graduating in May 2021 with a Bachelor’s degree in management and business economics. When I’m not studying, chances are I’m probably trying to master Central American recipes in the kitchen, watching soccer, taking outdoor portraits, or tasting ridiculously-sized foods even if it means driving hours away from home.
Having fulfilled most of the economics courses in my degree program, I am studying abroad in Europe, spending the first five weeks in London and the remaining eleven in Paris. I will be studying subjects like food politics and policy that have shaped the urban development of these two global cities.
As an economics major (with some sociology mixed in), I am traveling abroad to hear the stories of Londoners and Parisians and understand what makes their cultures both different and similar to ours. Understanding people and places that are unfamiliar to me is ultimately something I look forward to learning, and it's something I want you to experience along with me on our magical journey thousands of miles away from home! Let's go!