As I sit here the night before a huge exam, I am feeling so grateful that I get a moment of reflection in order to write to you guys. Looking around my surroundings, it looks like a tornado hit my flat. My stuff is strewn all over the place, and I cannot believe the time has come for me to pack up my stuff and go back home already. I can’t help but feel kind of sad that I have to leave a country I’ve called home for the past four months. I’m choosing not to look at my departure as a goodbye to London, but rather as a “see you later!” Growing up, I never imagined I’d end up living somewhere like London while in college, but yet somehow I still found myself here, so I have faith that I will someday make my way back to this beautiful city.
Every day here in London offered me the opportunity to go out and experience something new. While here I felt I absolutely had to take advantage of my time and seek out new experiences while learning about different cultures. I’d like to thank you guys for reading my articles all the way from Brooklyn because you all motivated me to document my time here more than I probably otherwise would have.