This week I traveled to Cuenca, a city south of Quito, where I visited a national park and climbed to the top of a cathedral. Then I headed back to Lumbisí for a few simple days of class.

Hello! I'm Lisbet Jackson. This semester, I'm learning Spanish and studying abroad in Ecuador, one of the most naturally diverse countries in the world. I'm excited to share my journey with you!
This week I traveled to Cuenca, a city south of Quito, where I visited a national park and climbed to the top of a cathedral. Then I headed back to Lumbisí for a few simple days of class.
Welcome to my journey! Here you can read about who I am and how I found my way to Ecuador!
Carnaval was one of my favorite holidays to celebrate in Ecuador. Let me tell you all about it!
I visited the Galápagos Islands, known for their unique wildlife and the role they played in Charles Darwin's research. It was the perfect way to wrap up my time abroad!