Hello! My name is Colin Heinrich, and I'm so excited to have you join me as I travel all the way across the planet to Indonesia! Indonesia is a big string of Islands between mainland Asia and Australia, filled with some of the best wildlife in the world.
I am the Global Impact Manager for my company, which means that my job is to make sure that the work we do is helping to save wildlife, protect ancient cultures, and help solve problems facing communities around the world. I want to preserve our amazing planet so that kids like you can go and see these places, too, someday.
Indonesia is a great place to do this work! While I'm there, I'll be trekking to see orangutans in Sumatra, seeing temples in Java, and meeting with foundations in Sumba focused on helping kids like yourselves have access to education and hygiene.
This has been my job for the past four years, but my background in travel goes way further back than that--all the way back, in fact. My dad was in the Navy, so every two years we moved to a different part of the country for his job. I was born in San Diego, California, and when I was two we moved all the way over to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. After a few years there, we moved to Washington, D.C. Then, we moved to Whidbey Island, which is off the coast of Seattle.