Hello! Are you excited to get started on this journey to the Netherlands with me?
My name is Mackenzie Niness and one month ago I landed in the Netherlands. Can you find the Netherlands on a map? I currently live in Zaandam, which is a suburb of Amsterdam. Over the past month, I have done some local exploring, interacted with Dutch students during their English classes and have fully immersed myself in all other new and exciting experiences here! I really enjoy living in such an international and culturally diverse area. Here, there are people from all over the world working and living together.
Over the next few weeks, I hope to give you all a better understanding of what it means to travel abroad, meet new people and be open to new experiences. I cannot wait to grow as an educator and as a student myself. Sharing this experience will be new for you and me, so let's embrace change and learn from each other!
I am so glad we get to be on this journey together. Let’s go!