My efforts to support this goal can be highlighted by the Peace Corps Education Sector's logical project framework, which states that our objectives are the following: “Increase the capacity of teachers in general and literacy teaching skills, increase the capacity of teachers to create a positive school culture that promotes student learning, increase students’ literacy skills, [and] increase the ability of families and caregivers to support students’ access to learning." These efforts are being sustained collaboratively by both the Peace Corps and MINERD (the Dominican Ministry of Education).
These collaborative efforts achieve "Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals,” which aims to “revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development.” Collaborative efforts are essential to global development. The projects that I am a part of can only be sustained through partnerships like TIMMY x BANELINO and Peace Corps x MINERD. There must be a mutual agreement to support each other and sustain the long-term efforts beyond the temporary service that we provide. Through global partnerships like the ones I have been a part of, we can achieve these goals set out by the United Nations.
You can learn more about the UN's Sustainable Development Goals, including Goal 17, here: https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/globalpartnerships/