Cuenca is a beautiful city featuring lots of parks and rivers. It is called "The Athens of South America" because of it's Spanish-inspired architecture and it's abundance of art.

Welcome to my journey in Ecuador! I have been living and working in Ecuador as a Peace Corps Health and Wellness Volunteer since May of 2023. I can't wait to share my adventures with you!
Cuenca is a beautiful city featuring lots of parks and rivers. It is called "The Athens of South America" because of it's Spanish-inspired architecture and it's abundance of art.
I can't believe this journey is coming to a close! Thank you for allowing me to connect and share my thoughts with all of you, and for all your great engagment and participation!
When you hear the word, "Ecuador", you might picture tropical jungles and warm-water beaches. Before moving here, that was me! Now, join me in learning about the other side of Ecuador: the mountains!
The Galapagos Islands are a unique and indescribable place, and the site of Charles Darwin's famous research on evolution. I am so lucky to have spent 10 days exploring these islands!