¡Saludos de Ecuador!

Journal Entry:

I’m originally from a tiny, tiny town in rural New Hampshire (think less than 2,000 people). Despite the seclusion and general quaintness of my hometown, it’s also the place where my love of adventure was born. Living in such a rural area, we spent our summers hiking and swimming in rivers, and the winters skiing and snowshoeing through the mountains. I also come from an intercultural family - my mom is from the U.S.A., and my dad is from Japan. My parents always encouraged me and my siblings to be curious about the world, to learn about different cultures and most importantly, to be open to new experiences. We heard countless stories about their travels through Japan and Italy, and before I knew it, I was dreaming about the day I would be able to have some of those experiences for myself!

My first time leaving this country was with a high school travel group on a two week trip to Thailand. I went on that trip not knowing a single person in the group, and I was terrified. But I also knew that if I allowed myself the chance to overcome that initial bump of fear, nervousness, and anxiety, I would be opening myself up to an incredible opportunity to see one of the most interesting regions in the world.
