Plus, these shorter programs tend to be expensive. On the other hand, Peace Corps emphasizes spending your first 3 months at-site not trying to start projects, but focusing instead on how to integrate into your community and to identify specific needs and opportunities to address. In addition, Peace Corps is a “paid” position - you are employees of the U.S. government. Granted, you receive a “modest living stipend” instead of a salary, but no complaints here!
Peace Corps is not for everyone, and that is totally okay. However, I believe it is important that everyone is aware that Peace Corps is an option because a lot of people actually have never heard of it or don’t know what it involves. So Peace Corps is definitely something to keep in mind. This experience has changed my life in so many ways and brought me so many new connections, including the one I have with you guys through Reach the World!
Thank you again for allowing me to share my journey, and for being such an engaging audience. I loved the questions you had for me during our video calls, and I truly appreciate the participation and enthusiasm you brought to each one of our meetings. I was constantly impressed by the thoughtfulness you showed, and the curiosity you had for learning about a new place!
I wish you all a very happy end of the semester and a joyful holiday season. It brings me such happiness to know that, through you, this corner of the world called Ecuador has reached a group of bright, delightful students, and I am so glad that I’ve been able to share just a little bit of the beauty that Ecuador has.