I love to wear jeans and hoodies, and also dresses for special occassions.
In my free time, I love to read, as well as to watch Netflix. If there is time, I also like to bake and cook for my family.
I speak four languages: English, Spanish, French and Polish. In Spanish the word Hello is Hola, in French it is Bonjour, and in Polish you say Halo!
I have three pets: a dog named Antonia, a cat named Tomasin and a bunny. All of whom I take care of.
Yes I have traveled before. I have been to 28 countries so far, most of them in Europe and Latin America. In fact, next semester I will be in France for a couple of months.
I used to work in a consulting firm, meaning that I would provide advice or guidance to companies or individuals. I had to stop working because I am now focused on my studies. When the semester is over in December, I'll probably go back to work.
I'm pretty sure that Maria has done a great job showing you guys my culture and diverse country. However, I want to invite you all to come and visit Peru whenever you can!