El Señor de los Milagros (or the Lord of Miracles) is an image painted of Jesus Christ in the 17th century, over 350 years ago. It was painted on a small wall in the center of Lima by a freed slave and has survived various earthquakes. After each earthquake, the painting remained undamaged, and people began to worship it. Eventually the people built a temple around the painting and then celebrated with a procession- which is another word for a parade.
I learned about a Catholic tradition that happens in Lima every year during the month of October. The first procession took place in 1687. There are three dates for the procession: October 18, 19, and 28. It is one of the largest processions in the world with hundreds of thousands of visitors each year. It is important to wear something purple in the procession, as it is the color of Jesus of Nazareth and the nuns of Nazareth.