My dad is a nurse at a hospital, and my mom works in the insurance department of a local bank.
School starts at eight a.m., and I go home at five or six p.m.
I go to school on foot with my older brother. The walk is a little more than ten minutes.
I eat lunch more at home than at school. My favorite foods are kebabs and tacos.
I speak French, but I also take English and Spanish classes. To say hello to my friends, I say salut!
Some common names are Antoine, Matéo, and Sara.
In school I study math, science, French, English, Spanish, computer science, history and geography, and P.E. My favorite subjects are math, physics, and computer science.
I don’t have a lot of homework.
I play foosball with my friends. Sometimes I play guitar. I also play video games like Fortnite and Battlefield.