To ride a tro-tro, all you need is your luggage and money for a ticket. My ticket to Cape cost 160 cedis. That is about $13.
Honestly, I felt nervous when I tried this way of getting around. My friends - Taliah and Hannah - decided to use a tro-tro to travel to Volta. (See Volta on the map here!) From what I had heard, tro-tros could be crowded and expensive. I had also heard it is safer to ride a government-protected bus called an STC bus than a tro-tro. But, as long as I was with friends, I knew I'd be okay riding a tro-tro. I also emailed my location to people I knew at the U.S. Embassy in Ghana. (The U.S. Embassy is a place that serves American citizens in another country.) By contacting the embassy to let them know my whereabouts, I knew I would be extra safe.
I eventually relaxed, as getting ready to travel went without a hitch. (That means "without a problem.") The driver and his helpers quickly packed our bags in the trunk of the tro-tro. Once nside the tro-tro, we squeezed ourselves behind eight people who were already on-board. By 2:00 PM, we were off! A West African song with fast drums and singers played over the radio to start our journey.
I had more fun than I thought I would! And, most importantly, we stayed safe.