Ende peyer Morgan. Mage name Morgan. My name is Morgan! Sri Lanka is the size of West Virginia, and yet it has two major languages and ethnic groups and four major religions. I am from the state of Minnesota, and despite being four times the size of this small island, I grew up in a small and sleepy suburb. I learned Spanish in high school, but there was very little use in my community for a second language. If I wanted to challenge my assumptions about the world around me, I had to leave St. Cloud, MN.
The first time I traveled abroad was to Moshi, Tanzania during my junior year of high school. I gained an appreciation for diversity and community, largely because two weeks did not feel long enough to develop lasting relationships beyond my return to the United States. So, during my junior year of college, I studied abroad in Kolkata, India for four and a half months. I witnessed the diversity of a country that has over 20 recognized languages. I lived with a host family and studied in an Indian university, developing a new community. It took some time to adjust to a new country and culture, but I grew as a result. Now, I am in Sri Lanka. After India, after college, I did not feel as if I had finished growing. I still don't. But, I am making a deliberate effort to become a better version of myself. Join me as we explore and grow together!