
I share a house with an Indian family. Their names are Ajay, Punam, and Omesh. Punam is Ajay’s sister, and Omesh is Ajay’s nephew. Punam is a nickname that means “moonlight” in Hindi! Ajay also has a wife and daughter, but they do not live in our house. Nitya, his wife, lives at the school she works at. Her school is across the town from us. Vedika, his daughter, is in college in a different city called Ahmedabad (pronounced am-da-bad).

Aside from me and my host family, three other people rent rooms in my house. Their names are Alex, Nicola, and Astha. Alex is from Belarus, Nicola is from Italy, and Astha is from the middle of India. There are a lot of us!

During my time here, I have studied the weavers by reading about them, interviewing them, and drawing them. I am reading about the weavers in order to understand them and their work before interviewing and drawing them. At the end of my project, I will have a gallery show where I will talk about the art I have made and the things I have learned. I’m excited for you all to join me as I keep working on my project and learn more about life in India!
