The weather in Bengaluru really doesn't change all that much. It's been warm and sunny nearly every day that I've been here and I can't complain! Coming from a place like Las Vegas, which can get super hot and cold enough to snow every few years, I know how lucky I am to be here right now.
I saw a lot of cows and dogs this week again. A cow tried to push me as I was walking past. Not sure if that means anything or if it was a bull, but it was alarming to say the least. When's the last time you ran into a cow?
I went to a lot of religious sites this week and I noticed that birds really like flying around tall, pointy pillars.
Air pollution used to bother me a lot. I've gotten into the habit of taking back roads to get to school in order to avoid areas with a lot of cars. It's made breathing easier. I do wish I didn't have to do this, though.