The environment really shapes peoples' daily lives in Vietnam. Rivers snake throughout the region carrying fish and other wildlife that are eaten on a daily basis. Beautiful green farms produce tasty tropical fruits and vegetables. Many people work outside in the fertile environment to produce crops for eating or sale to other countries. The heavy rains are good for the soil, but can also cause damaging floods in homes, businesses and streets.
The area of Vietnam where I live has a tropical climate. That means there are only two seasons: rainy season and dry season. The temperature is hot and humid for most of the year! Since it rains a lot, the soil is very fertile and produces many different fruits and vegetables. The trees, plants and farms are lush, green and beautiful.
The environment and people are very closely connected in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam. There are many rivers in the region that fertilize the surrounding farmland. The rivers carry important nutrients that help fruits and vegetables grow in the ground. Because many different crops grow well here, the Mekong Delta is known as the "Rice Bowl of Vietnam." A lot of rice is produced here!