Life is back to normal now since I started work again two weeks ago. I don't get to travel as much when I'm working, but I still enjoy my day-to-day life in Mexico!

Hello and bienvenidos (welcome) to my journey to Mexico! I look forward to sharing this experience with you over the next few weeks. I hope you learn to appreciate Mexico as much as I do!
Life is back to normal now since I started work again two weeks ago. I don't get to travel as much when I'm working, but I still enjoy my day-to-day life in Mexico!
In this final journal, I share some of the interesting things I've learned about the food, art and history of Mexico. From spicy salsa to fantastic folk art, living here continues to be an adventure.
Mexico is a huge country and the environment changes drastically from one part of the country to another. Puebla and Mérida are both Mexican cities, but they face different environmental challenges.
Last week, I visited a pueblo mágico, but this past weekend I experienced some truly magical moments! On a trip to Mexico City, I went to a butterfly sanctuary, dined on a lake and toured a castle!