Despite being an urban area, Tel Aviv has managed to make nature a part of the city. With many trees and diverse flowers on nearly every street, we all have a chance to admire nature and all that it has to offer. Just as nature is an important part of creating a healthy environment, it also offers us an opportunity to look at its history. Here in Tel Aviv, the apple ring acacia tree and sycamore tree provide us with a glimpse into the city's coastal history!
The apple ring acacia tree is a tree that has a sharp and thorny bark. When it is fully mature, it can grow as tall as 98 feet! The seeds of the acacia tree are circular and look like apple rings, which is why it is called apple ring acacia. When the tree grows older, its bark turns more gray in color. The sycamore tree looks quite different from the apple ring acacia tree. Sycamores usually grow to be about 65 feet tall, though its branches spread across a considerable distance. This tree is special because figs grow on it!
Although I usually do not pay enough attention to the plants and trees around me, searching around Tel Aviv for these ancient trees has provided me with a new perspective on nature. When I finally found the trees, I felt incredibly humbled by how tall they were.