A Trip to the Supermarket


These peanuts are 5.90 reais. I am going to use them to make a kind of Brazilian nut brittle
I will mix the peanuts with this sugar to make the brittle. If the sugar costs 8.99 reais, how much will it cost me to make the brittle?
I also need some more coffee. Coffee comes in boxes here. There is a bag inside the box. This coffee costs 8.95 reais
Now, I need milk for my coffee. I don't go to the refrigerated section, though. Brazilian milk comes sealed in cartons. This is the milk aisle!
Here is the milk for the coffee! It costs 2.49 reais
The most expensive part of my shopping trip are the fruits and vegetables. This bunch of asparagus costs 24.90 reais!
The avocados here are gigantic! This avocado costs 4.98 reais
This native fruit, caqui, is related to a kind of fruit called a persimmon. It is more affordable, only 4.98 reais

