Favelas are one of the first things many people think of when they think about Brazil. Favelas are most prominent in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil's second-largest city. Have you ever heard of a favela? What comes to mind?
From below, these communities appear like dozens of houses stacked on top of one an other. Favela communities sprawl up the sides of the hills and mountains that make Rio de Janeiro such a famous city. The families who live in favela communities are generally lower income.
I should note that there are no photos for this Field Note. It is important for everyone to understand that it is not appropriate to photograph communities that do not wish to be photographed. However, I hope to share information about these communities, their biggest needs, and the people that call them home.
I learned about favelas, which are communities in Brazil of hardworking, but lower-income families. They are most prominent in Rio de Janeiro.
Favelas often operate as their own mini-cities. They can have their own transport, schools, markets, etc. One of the greatest needs for the favela communities is better integration into the greater Rio de Janeiro city.