Greetings! Wo ho te sen? This means, "How are you?" in Twi. The normal response is, "Me ho ye" ("I'm fine"). These are just a few of the expressions I've learned in Twi. Let's explore more of Ghana!

Akwaaba (Welcome) to Ghana! Nailah and I are super excited to explore and share our adventures in Ghana with you. Let's embark on a journey of education, history and culture together!
Greetings! Wo ho te sen? This means, "How are you?" in Twi. The normal response is, "Me ho ye" ("I'm fine"). These are just a few of the expressions I've learned in Twi. Let's explore more of Ghana!
It's been so much fun sharing our journey with you here in Ghana. I hope that you've enjoyed all of the pictures, videos and written content. Nailah and I appreciate you all and hope to see you soon!
Greetings! Nailah and I were so lucky to be invited to attend our first Ghanaian wedding! We learned so much about wedding traditions, language, African attire and food. Come join us and enjoy!
Akwaaba...Greetings! Here are a few photos of my journey in Ghana with Nailah. Although we have only been here for two months, we have seen so much. Please take a look at our adventures so far!