Every day, I eat at the “African Cafe,” which serves traditional local food. Most Malawians eat nsima, greens and beans for all of their meals. Nsima is a patty that you eat with your hands. In cities in Malawi, there are lots of other types of food. This is because, like in New York, there are people from all over the world in the cities.
Malawians eat nsima, greens and beans for most of their meals.
What is nsima, you ask? Nsima is a patty made from cornmeal. You are supposed to eat nsima with your hands. It is soft enough that you can shape it. You break off part of the nsima and mash it with your thumb so that it is flat. Then, you use that piece of nsima to scoop up your greens and beans. If you do not want to eat nsima, you can get rice instead. For greens, Malawians often eat cooked pumpkin leaves or cooked sweet potato leaves. On top of everything, you can add a red sauce which is kind of like salsa.
In the villages, people eat a nsima meal for breakfast, lunch and dinner. In cities, people eat many other types of food. This is because, like in New York, there are people from all over the world. For example, you can find Ethiopian, Indian, Chinese and American food.
For meat, you can find chicken, goat and fish.