Since Spain is a largely urban country, parks are the best place to go if you are searching for nature. However, you can spot trees on sidewalks and the sides of the roads, too. In urban areas, trees are very important, since larger urban areas tend to create more pollution and trees help freshen the air! Throughout my travels in Spain, I have seen palm trees, olive trees, and many others.
A tree is a tall, woody plant that has a trunk and a lot of branches. The trunk is the base of the tree and the branches extend from it. From the branches, the tree sprouts leaves. Although you cannot easily see them, trees have so many roots! These roots feed the trunk, branches and leaves by carrying nutrients from the ground.
I think trees are so cool. Why, you may ask? Well, even though it does not look like it, trees are living things. That means that they breathe, drink and eat, just as we do! Whenever I see one, I get really happy. Trees remind me of how connected we are to the Earth. All living things are interconnected and share resources, which is why we should do everything in our power to protect our planet.