I am going to tell you about one of my favorite dishes named Bandeja Paisa (pronounced Bahn-day-ha Pie-sa) which is from the western part of Colombia.
I tried Bandeja Paisa, which is a typical food from Medellín, Colombia. This city is on the opposite side of Colombia, but this dish is still very popular here in Bucaramanga. In it, there are two types of sausage, pork rind (called "chicharrón, I love that word!), ground beef, rice, beans, arepa (ground maize dough), avocado, plantain and egg. It is a lot of heavy food, all in one dish!
I felt AWESOME! I kept mixing the beans with every spoonful. Everything is warm except for the avocado, and it feels like a feast! Afterward, I was very full. I drank it with coconut limeade-- fresh coconut and FRESH lime! It was very refreshing.
The meat is prepared on a big grill, and the rest of the ingredients are cooked in big pots and pans where they can make a lot of food. It is all hot food, so the kitchen remains very hot!