It is currently Thursday, January 9 in Bangkok, so I have only been here three days! Settling in has given me many errands to run, but I have explored as much as possible in between. I love it here!

Hi, my name is Eloisa and I am studying abroad in Bangkok, Thailand! I will be studying business while exploring Thai culture. I'm so excited to take you on this journey with me!
It is currently Thursday, January 9 in Bangkok, so I have only been here three days! Settling in has given me many errands to run, but I have explored as much as possible in between. I love it here!
Laa-gàwn, goodbye! With my last journal entry I wanted to share some lessons I have learned. I hope you have enjoyed our travels together, and that you are inspired to take your own trips abroad!
In this field note I look into Bangkok's pollution and the needs it is creating within its communities. Check out how the community is coming together to tackle this problem!
These are some pictures of the cool artifacts I have seen in Thailand as well as some of my meals. I hope you enjoy taking a look!