I see pigeons every day, in the streets and in the trees. At first, I was overwhelmed with how many there were everywhere! They waddle around the streets looking for anything food-shaped and are pretty comfortable around people. They almost seem to be walking around with everyone on the street, dodging any passing footsteps. They’re the bird that I think the most and the least about. I end up looking at their quirky movements as I pass them on the way to school, yet they’re so common here that I don’t give them any more extra thoughts than necessary.
I think Ellensburg has about twelve pigeons total, but London has millions and millions of them! They have a few different English breeds. It turns out that the pigeon and the dove are related! Collared doves are pinkish-brown and grey with a black neck. The rock dove is a sort of grey-blue-black, sometimes with some red or brown. These are quite common in city centers. Stock doves have green on the back of their neck and pink on their chest. Over half of their entire world population is in the United Kingdom.
The turtle dove is a little smaller than most pigeons. Fun fact: there are only two in existence, which my true love gave to me about a month ago (from The Twelve Days of Christmas song lyrics!).