If you have heard anything about India, you probably have heard that cows are very sacred. The local McDonald's restaurants here in Bangalore do not serve any beef items on their menu, and there are many residents in the city who own cows! We see cows on the streets in many places here in Bangalore. The strange part for us as visitors is that it is normal for cows to be on the loose!
There are cows of all colors, ages and sizes in the city of Bangalore. Sometimes they are tied somewhere close to a house, and other times they may just be walking down the street or sitting in the shade.
The first time I saw a cow in the city, I was very surprised, because I was not used to such an urban place having farm animals! I have grown to realize that cows are respected differently here in India, and that even in the cities people raise cows for milk.
Cows can live at a resident's home in Bangalore and wander the streets during the day. I have heard rumors that some cows know their way home and can return there at night. I have also heard rumors of people leaving a cow somewhere near food for several days, then coming back to retrieve it later in the week!