My time in Marrakesh was full of adventures and new memories that I will never forget. I hope that you all enjoyed the journey because I loved having you all join me.
I have been living in Marrakesh, Morocco for the last few weeks. I have tried new foods and have started to learn a new culture and a new language.
In my last few days here in Marrakesh and for our last entry, I want to share an experience with you all. Last week, I went to the Sahara desert with my classmates. It took us five days to drive and a camel ride to our campsite, where we slept in the middle of the desert! At night in the desert, I was able to see a lot of beautiful stars. My friends and I were trying to name all the constellations that we could remember. On the way back home, we saw how pottery was made, and we looked at some fossils. It was a lot of fun.
Traveling to a new place might be scary at first, but you will make new memories and meet new people. When traveling, try to keep an open mind because then you will be able to experience more things!
I hope that following my journey will encourage you all to travel the world! There are many beautiful things to see and to learn about.