This Sunday was a beautiful, crisp winter day, so I took a bike ride along the Jungnang Stream. I saw how people who live in Seoul spend their free time outdoors. Seoul is an extremely busy city, with an endless sea of tall buildings, and cars and motorbikes speeding around crowds of people walking on the sidewalks. However, it also has amazing public spaces and services.
Check out some of my bike ride here: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/3vb993EBTZI
I got on my bike and set out towards the stream. Right across the street from my apartment there is a rack of public bikes. These are all over the city. They cost about one dollar to ride all day. They are very cheap, so it is easy for people to use a more environmentally friendly way to get around.
On my way to the stream, I first saw public exercise equipment. These are found all over Seoul and every city in Korea. People love to use them, especially seniors. They are a great way to stay in shape and are completely free.
Next I was on the bike path, which was just paved a couple of months ago. It's smooth and clean. I passed by basketball courts, a soccer field, and a croquet field, all right next to the stream.
A bit further down, I came to a big patch of dirt. It's a public garden. Because it's winter now, there's nothing growing.