Hallo dear students,
This will, sadly, be the final letter I will write to you from Berlin. My journey here has been long, and I am missing home a lot! Luckily, I will have many new memories, friends, and tokens of my travels to take home with me to Indiana. I just want to talk to you about some of my favorite memories here and share some new photos before we have to part ways!
When I first got to Germany, I was worried that adjusting to life in a new country would be crazy challenging. And although I wouldn't say it has been easy, I have learned so much from being able to put myself out there in the world! I feel more empowered than ever after my time abroad. In my mind, since I was able to survive by myself in a different country for five months... means anything is possible, right?! It definitely feels that way! But it's true to say that the most challenging things in life will make you even stronger and more capable of following your dreams in the future.
Studying abroad has always been one of my biggest dreams. So far, it has been everything I imagined and more- like, really a dream come true!