Weekend trips are a huge part of my time studying abroad, and I took my last weekend trip to two cities in Italy, Venice and Rome!
Hi! My name is Alastornia Swift and this semester I am studying at the University of Mannheim in Germany. I'm excited to share all that I learn about Germany with you!
Weekend trips are a huge part of my time studying abroad, and I took my last weekend trip to two cities in Italy, Venice and Rome!
After three and a half months in Germany, it's time to head home! This has been an incredible experience, and I'm glad that all of you could come along!
Being in a new country means that a whole new world of food is opened up to you. But trying new foods can be both exciting and scary, which is why I'm glad I can find my favorites here, too!
This trip was so much fun, and everything here was picture worthy. The food, the architecture and the views were all amazing!