Day in the Life of Sam


Sam is one of my best friends. I met him when I lived with my host family. He is one of my host parents' neighbors. He is an amazing guy, and I am so happy I gained such a great friend. 

What is your full name?:

Samuel Munyaneza.

Where do you live? What is your house like?:

I live in Gashora in Bugesera District with Bekah. I have a nice house with a living room, kitchen, shower room and a bedroom for me and a bedroom for my little sister, Aline. 

What is your family like?:

I have a dad and a mom. My parents live in Bugesera, too, but in a different village. I have a big sister, a big brother, Danny, then me, and then my little sister, Aline. 

How do you get around?:

I walk to school and to the market to get things I need. I also take motos to the town next to me, called Ramiro. I can take buses to the capitol, Kigali, or to see my family and friends in other parts of the country. In Kigali, I take motos or city buses to get around. 

What types of clothing do you like to wear?:

I like to wear jeans and T-shirts or dress shirts to work. I wear tennis shoes every day. When it gets cold, I wear a jumper (sweatshirt). 
