We have come to the end of our time together. Thank you so much for taking the time to read and discuss my posts, pictures and videos. I hope you have enjoyed this experience as much as I have. Now you will be able to share information with your family and friends about the Kingdom of Lesotho. If you one day find yourself in the region of Southern Africa, I highly encourage you to make a visit to Lesotho, especially to see the Semonkong waterfall or the dinosaur footprints.
If you are curious to find opportunities to study or work abroad, there are many ways to do so with the U.S. Department of State or its affiliates. Your teacher is also a great resource for questions.
Once you enter high school, you'll be eligible to apply for National Security Language Initiative for Youth (N.S.L.I.-Y.). It is a fully-funded program that will send you as a high-schooler to Europe, Asia or the Middle East for an academic year to study a critial language such as Arabic, Russian, Korean or Mandarin Chinese. I met many N.S.L.I.-Y. students in Kyrgyzstan when I lived there with Fulrbight, and they all seemed to love the program and had wonderful host families.