Spanish Food!


In Spain, there are lots of delicious foods, but something special about the city of Granada is that free tapas come with your meal. A tapa is a small plate of food, like a sample dish, and you typically order several dishes and share them when eating here in Spain. However in Granada, if you go to a tapas restaurant, you automatically receive a free tapa that the restaurant usually chooses for you to have along with your drink. This means you could get full (of food) after ordering just one or two drinks!

What food did I try?:

One recent weekend, I travelled by myself to a quiet beach city called Nerja and enjoyed paella (a Spanish rice dish) cooked fresh on the beach along with freshly caught fish. Since I wasn’t in Granada, I was ordering some smaller tapas such as sardines, cheese and olives that a local next to me ordered for me to try. People here are really open and curious about why I have decided to travel to Spain, so I am always talking to so many locals, whether other patrons or the owner, whenever I am at a new restaurant. 

How did I feel when I tried it?:

The paella was the best one I have had in the country so far. I felt like a lot of times paella can be unfortunately undercooked so the grains of rice are hard.
