I also understand the rules and Japanese transportation etiquette. The Japanese transportation does have their own differences, I would not say it is that different from transportation in other parts of the world. In fact, I found several similarities with those of the subway system in NYC- minus the delays and littering in NYC. I am extremely grateful that I have the option of using this form of transportation to get to places in Japan and I look forward to using more of the trains and buses to travel to places further away from Hirakata City.
A prominent aspect of Japanese culture and identity lies in being polite and punctual, which can be shown through the rules and etiquette of the transportation system. For instance, Japanese trains and buses always arrive and leave on time. If Google Maps says that a train is arriving on the platform at 12:45 pm, the train arrives sharply at that time. I am used to trains arriving late in NYC, so I automatically assume that delays are normal in other parts of the world, too, but Japan has proved me wrong. This is because of the Japanese cultural emphasis on punctuality, in which not just the trains and buses, but even people are expected to arrive at their workplaces or schools on time. My classmates in Japan almost always arrive to their class period on time or a few minutes earlier than the scheduled start time. Arriving late is typically frowned upon by people here.
Japanese culture also emphasizes politeness. The people here are so nice and humble, and I have not encountered any mean individuals yet!