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What music did I listen to this week?:

I listened to a lot of traditional tango music because my host mom likes to play it while she is cooking or cleaning the apartment. My host mom also plays a lot of music by Julio Iglesias, a famous Spanish singer. I highly recommend the song Nathalie by Julio Iglesias.

What activity was the most fun this week?:

This week, when it was less chilly, I went on a night walk with my host mom and her dog Sammy. The walk lasted around 45 minutes and we were walking at one a.m., which is just another reminder that Argentines are up later in the evenings than most people in the States.

What did I read this week?:

This week I purchased books in a librería (book store). One book was ¡Mirá mamá, mirá pamá! Memorias de mis primeros cinco años (Look Mom, Look Dad! Memories of my first five years) by Willy Breinholst. The book includes short comical stories about the life of Willy. I have also been reading older magazines that my host mom has around the house.

What games or sports did I play this week?:

I played the game Palabras Prohibidas (Forbidden Words) in my Spanish class. The game is similar to Taboo, a popular card game in the U.S. A player tries to get other players to guess a word without using obvious hints.

Other news from this week:

I also walked in or around small parks near my apartment. 
