Was zu essen = What to eat?


When one thinks of German food, schnitzel and potatoes most likely come to mind. Berlin couldn't be more different! Influenced by immigration and history, the food scene here is multicultural and constantly evolving.

There are food stands on every corner in most parts of town as well as entire districts committed to offering inexpensive and delicous food. I can get Sudanese, Thai, Italian and Mexican food on my street alone! Of course, I can still get traditional food in Berlin, mostly at fancy restaurants. I don't visit them frequently.

I'd be remiss if I didn't mention the huge café culture here. The coffee shops are different than in the U.S., where the experience is quick-paced and work focused. Here, the cafés are meant for relaxing and enjoying the moment. The coffee is incredible, and freshly baked pastries are usually offered. Either way, you'll surely be able to find something you like while eating in Berlin!

What food did I try?:

The type of food eaten really depends on the time of day in Berlin. For Frühstück (breakfast), it's common to get huge platters with a variety of food. Right across the street from where I live, I ordered a breakfast plate that included fresh fruits, cheeses and, of course, bread. This is a lot different from home, where I would usually eat something much simpler, such as cereal. 
