Cacti usually live in deserts, because they don't need much water. There are many deserts in the world, meaning it's not too hard to find cacti if you are visiting one. But luckily for us, these cacti live in Berlin greenhouses! They are able to survive because greenhouses mimic climates that the plants they are supporting require. Have you ever seen a cactus in real life?
There is one cactus in the Cacti House that is over 100 years old, so cacti can survive for a long time when they live in the right conditions. First, they use their prickly spikes for protection against animals that may harm them. Second, they have expansive roots that can collect water from the ground. This water is then stored in their long bodies, which is a great tip if you ever find yourself thirsty in a desert!
We're not really worried about cacti because they require very little to survive, plus we all know not to mess with a plant that has spikes sticking out of it. However, cacti are vulnerable to climate changes, so we have to be sure to protect them.