In Barcelona, the main languages spoken are Catalan (pronounced "cah-tah-lahn") and Spanish (known here as castellano). Catalan is the local language and is often used in daily life, like in schools and government. Many people also speak Spanish, which is the official language of Spain. When you visit, you can usually get by with either of these languages, but it's fun to learn some basic phrases in both!
En Barcelona, los principales idiomas que se hablan son el catalán y el español (conocido aquí como castellano). El catalán es el idioma local y se usa a menudo en la vida diaria, como en las escuelas y el gobierno. Mucha gente también habla español, que es el idioma oficial de España. Cuando lo visites, normalmente podrás arreglártelas con cualquiera de estos idiomas, ¡pero es divertido aprender algunas frases básicas en ambos!
In Barcelona, the euro is used as the main currency. The symbol for euros is €, and the coins and bills come in different sizes. Euros are used for buying things, like food, souvenirs and tickets for the metro or buses. If you come to Barcelona, make sure to have some euros with you to shop and enjoy all the great things the city has to offer!
En Barcelona se utiliza el euro como moneda principal.