In Spain, we were able to find some stores that do not exist in Morocco and enjoy food that we don't have in Morocco. It was just for one day. Can you imagine traveling a short distance to visit a new country for only one day?!
I read a lot of menus in Spanish this week! In Morocco, most restaurant menus are in Arabic and French, but in Ceuta, they were in Spanish. Fortunately, I learned some Spanish in high school and could understand the important parts of the menu!
In French class, we learned how to use the future tense. As a fun game, we partnered with a classmate and played the role of a fortuneteller in order to practice using the future tense. For example, I had a card that said "Paris" so I told my classmate that I could see into the future that he would travel to Paris very soon!
I teach Business English at a Moroccan university. This semester, I am teaching my students about how to run a business! To run a business, you first have to have a passion to create something that is unique. My students all created their own businesses. During class, we did an activity where they tried to sell their products to their classmates. Have you ever seen a commercial for something you wanted to buy on TV? My students created their own advertisements so we could visualize the products that they were selling.