Pandas - A Conservation Effort

Their soft distinct coats were sold in black markets all over the world. Without proper conservation efforts, numbers declined rapidly. Recently, laws and regulations have been enacted to protect pandas as well as help conservation and breeding efforts. Pandas are labeled as a conservation reliant endangered species. Without proper conservation efforts, their numbers will once again decline or perhaps the entire species will go extinct.

A panda's easily recognizable fur pattern allows it to serve as the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) logo, a leading organization in conservation efforts for endangered species as well as animals in general. While some people argue that too much money and resources are spent on panda conservation that can be used on preservation of other species, others argue that efforts to protect pandas will in fact protect countless other species that live alongside pandas in their natural environment.

A quote that I really enjoy from Edwin Way Teale says “Those who wish to pet and baby wild animals ‘love’ them. But those who respect their natures and wish to let them live normal lives love them more,” – a simple reminder that leaving nature as it is, is the best form of conservation. 

Chengdu, China
