Welcome to My Journey

I was also highly involved in many activities, including Future Business Leaders of America, Performance Music (Trumpet, Baritone, Violin, Fluegelhorn and Tenor Voice), NCAA Wrestling, The Student Athlete Advisory Committee, Business Club, Operations and Analytics Club, mentoring programs for young children and a few honors programs and societies (Business, Economics and Jesuit). In addition, I was fortunate to be able to spend a few months studying abroad during the spring of 2020. I spent time at the Fordham London Centre, where I experienced the culture of London, England while making headway towards my Bachelor's Degree. Unfortunately, due to Covid, my time there was cut short, leaving me with the want to expand upon my cultural experiences.

With the desire to expand my cultural and educational horizons, I applied for a Fulbright Award to live, study and conduct research in Finland. In March of 2022, I was grateful to be awarded this prestigious honor. I packed my bags and moved to Lappeenranta, Finland, located approximately two hours from Helsinki. I am currently in the second semester of my first year at the Lappeenranta University of Technology where I am working towards earning a Master’s degree in Supply Management while minoring in Sustainable Business. In addition, I also enjoy other activities, such as playing trumpet with the local jazz band, singing with the university men’s choir, playing American football for the Lappeenranta Wildmen and being heavily involved in multiple student guilds including Erasmus Student Network (International Student Guild) and Enklaavi (Business Guild).  

I look forward to writing to and hearing from all of you as I go along my journey! 
