Nature News

The university's main campus is located on top of a mountain. It is surrounded by a forest. On my way to document my arrival, I looked out the bus window and saw a group of horses! My buddy who picked me up from the airport informed me that there are many animals in the forest, and that wild horses are very common. As you can imagine I am very excited to interact with this animal, but during orientation, the president of the university warned us to keep a safe distance from the wild horses. Lucky for us students, the recreation center offers horseback rides.

What was the coolest thing I saw in nature this week?:

The most amazing thing that I saw this week was the beach. One day this week, I took the wrong bus trying to get home. The bus made several stops near the beach which is beautiful. I captured a shot of what it would look like if you were there at that moment with me. The best thing is that there is a McDonald's nearby, and I plan on walking on the beach with a McFlurry in my hand!

Other Nature News from this week:

There is a place about 20 minutes away from my apartment that is known as the Castro Fortress. It has beautiful gardens and is great for walks. I will visit this place soon!
