Our News

It was such a great time because I made many new friends.

What did I read this week?:

I have not read any books or attended any classes, but reading a menu is sometimes just as difficult. Besides reading menus, I do research online about places I want to visit and about topics that come up when I meet someone new. For example, I rode a taxi in Madrid and the taxi driver mentioned that they would be on strike the following week. I investigated the motive for the strike. Taxi drivers in Madrid feel that Uber and Cabify are given an unfair advantage in the market and so they are demanding that these companies be regulated.

What games or sports did I play this week?:

This week, I went for a run around the city. I started at my apartment and ran to the School of Industrial Engineering. It was a 30-minute run, but I made a couple of wrong turns which made it a 50-minute run. The city is pedestrian friendly. There were sidewalks all the way to my final destination.

Other news from this week:

I noticed that there were Christmas lights all throughout the city. My buddy, Sandra, explained that the city of Vigo hosted its first light show. It was an event organized by the city's mayor to bring tourism to the city. While out at dinner, my waiter mentioned that the owner of the restaurant was very happy with the mayor. Apparently, the restaurant made a total of 4,000 euros in the first couple of hours after the event began. I was very impressed that the citizens of Vigo know their mayor. Personally, I am not familiar with the mayor of my hometown or my college town.
