There are many types of limpets, but the kind that I saw are considered true limpets. Limpets are marine snails that live in a rocky intertidal ecosystem. Limpets are classified as Gastropoda and are in the Patellidae family. Limpets are inconspicuous animals that have inspired scientists and created a gastronomical movement.
A limpet has a hard shell that is conical and flat. Limpets that do not have a hole at the top of their shell are known as true limpets. The shell has a white color, but some of them have grayed and blacken to match the color of the rock they live on. A limpet is a couple of inches wide, but no larger than three inches. Underneath their shell, limpets have a foot which they use to latch themselves on to a rock surface. Limpets also have a mouth and an eye at each of its two long tentacles. I did not get to see underneath the limpet, but I was very curious. I wanted to be respectful of the creature, and I choose to only observe it.